Coquina Column
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The jpegs below are of a Coquina Column we brought to the attention of the City.  Below are the communiques:
Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2009 10:34 AM
Subject: RE: Coquina Column in Palm Coast

I’m checking to see if we can get our consulting archeologist, Dr. Dana St. Clair to look at these…


Jon Netts

City of Palm Coast

160 Cypress Point Pkwy, Suite B-106

Palm Coast, FL 32137

 (386) 986-3702


PGo Green: Please do not print this e-mail unless you really need to. 

Sent: Sunday, July 19, 2009 5:46 PM
To: Jose Papa
Cc: Jon Netts;;; Jim Landon; Frank Meeker
Subject: Coquina Column in Palm Coast



Top 'o' the Morning.

It is respectfully requested that the City of Palm Coast try to ascertain from what Century or Era this Coquina Column is from. We have left the JPEGS at  maximum pixillation and large so that the State Archaeologist or whomever can ascertain this via non site visual inspection..

Let's hope it is a treasure from the  big Plantation Era here.

Thank you.




We are hoping that it is a remnant from the Big Plantation Era here, or the small Plantations and farms.  This would help the efforts for  the  "National Heritage Area' so we brought it also to the attention of our Friends there.

Lets all hope it is a true treasure which would support NHA efforts which will bring Tourism, bring people, help sell new and existing Homes and bring more jobs to our area.


Below are jpegs of the Coquina Column.






The reason we brought this to the attention of the City was firstly, we thought with our untrained eye that the Coquina Column looks very similar to the Bulow Plantation Ruins. Secondly, it is helpful to ascertain the Coquina Columns Era because of the feasibility Studies being done by the National Heritage Era...and whether it be from a Big Plantation or from a lesser Plantation or Farm, it is our Heritage.  We do not know the outcome of its identification to date.


We willl remain Stewards of these Resources hoping for a Museum.